Blockchain Editor Experts Do This To Land Steady Work

Blockchain Editor experts are extremely smart—but skills don't always pay bills. Business development does.

Blockchain Editor | Marvin Dumont 

Editors must wear two different hats: content guru as well as an Entrepreneur. Writers who only focus on writing often go hungry by ignoring the business side of content creation.
Expertise makes your clients happy. Being a businessperson gets you paid well and gives you financial stability. Here's how to get recurring work.
1. Keep networking.
Blockchain editor experts, particularly freelancers, should spend 30% of their time on marketing. That means reaching out to prospects at conferences, networking events, social media, and anywhere else you can find decision makers. Have business cards.
Moreover, editors who are employees shouldn't assume they've got job security. The blockchain marketplace is hyper-dynamic, and layoffs (during a bear market) and turnover are common.
2. Diversify your revenue stream.
Don't put your eggs in one basket by relying on a single client to give you a paycheck. You don't have wage security until you've got at least two or three clients who give you frequent writing gigs.
Prospects need to educate potential users about why they should adopt their technology. And that's why they should hire you. Great content drives value by communicating with customers and stakeholders.
3. Build an email list of decision makers.
They include marketing managers, brand ambassadors, founders, PR reps, and anyone else who needs your content expertise. Blockchain Editor experts should create an email template that informs your prospects content best practices.
That'll get prospects thinking about optimizing their website, whitepaper, newsletters, brochures, and emails. Clients are motivated by employee bonuses, token value appreciation, and shareholder returns.
Send your informative emails twice a month. But don't push too hard.
4. Use technology to promote your expertise.
Connect with decision makers on LinkedIn. Find reputable prospects on Upwork. (Be careful because there are scams on freelance job boards.)
Push hard on your expertise, not necessarily too hard on your editorial services. Blockchain editor experts can command rates upwards of $100 per hour. If you've got less experience, strive for at least $25 to $30 per hour. 
Build your portfolio and network, and you'll eventually get there. For More information visit our website:


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