Top Blockchain Journalists Do These 3 Things

                                                   TopBlockchain Journalists

More journalists, bloggers, and social media pros are covering the blockchain industry which is expected to reach $60 billion by 2020. There are best practices that can be applied towards news coverage of cryptocurrencies and distributed ledger technology (DLT).
Top Blockchain Journalists do these 3 things:

1. Cover what matters most.

That includes interviewing leading experts, technologists, and influencers.

First, you'll need to cultivate relationships with thought leaders who are at forefront of blockchain innovations. Sources can include software developers, technologists, entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and investors—and anyone else who can share unique insights. It's also important to network with regulators, customers, community members, and top users.
Build a portfolio of outstanding content and influencers will be open to giving you their time.
Blockchain reporters should attend conferences. That won't be possible in some cases (due to cost) so you should conduct video and phone interviews. High-profile professionals often hire public relations agencies that coordinate announcements. Thus, top blockchain journalists should reach out to PR reps and get the early scoop.

2. Simplify complex ideas.

The industry uses scientific jargon and acronyms that make articles resemble a software manual. Writers should use clear language that simplifies — not complicates — technical concepts. By using understandable language, journalists can reach general audiences as well as technologists. There'd be no ecosystem without adoption, and there's no adoption when there's confusion.

Write tight and bright — that means simplify information and be smart.

Generally, you should communicate to the marketplace 3 things: (1) cutting-edge solutions to real-world problems (2) trends that are shaping the industry, and (3) regulatory actions that provide the framework for companies and consumers. 
Be disciplined: Ignore wallet updates and personnel hires. Who cares? 
Stuff is fluff.

3. Be a storyteller.

There are reasons why people dislike the press: Today's media create an echo chamber that merely repeats what everyone else is saying. Thus, readers have force-fed news reporting that is cut-and-paste.
Moreover, in the age of political correctness, Top Blockchain Journalists are socially coerced into limiting what they express. Which makes them as exciting as a Ferris wheel that spins PG-13 ideas.

Audiences yearn for bold content, and they love storytellers.

Greed; blood; ambition; lust; fame: These are base instincts that arouse human existence. Technologists steal code and fork cryptos to exact revenge on ex-business partners who stole a thousand bitcoins. Go beneath the surface and explore what are really driving entrepreneurs and investors. (Look beyond the charade.)
Include the human element in use-cases, and show how decentralization touches people's lives. It can be wise to tie your content to age-old parables, quotes, or universal truths that applied in biblical times as they do now. 
Top blockchain journalists differentiate themselves by creating great stories that resonate with audiences. For more information visit our website:


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