
Interview Tips For Cryptocurrency Content Writers!

The media business is extremely competitive, and the same holds true in the blockchain industry. Cryptocurrency content writers need great material in order to stand out. That means it's essential to interview Experts, Technologists, and top investors so you can write about what matters. Here's some advice. 1. Get Experts Talking. Do live interviews or schedule them on video platforms like Telegram. Ask questions that are most interesting about their crypto project. It may be a disruptive protocol they're working on or privacy feature that makes their digital token unregulatable. Discover what differentiates their technology in a crowded space. Don't interrupt—let an expert or entrepreneur explain in his own words. By doing so, you're respecting his background and unique journey. The more you practice interviewing, the more you'll know when to press for more, when to stop, when to switch topics, and when to ask sensitive questions. In other words, you&

Blockchain Editor Experts Do This To Land Steady Work

Blockchain Editor experts are extremely smart— but skills don't always pay bills . Business development does. Blockchain Editor |  Marvin Dumont   Editors must wear two different hats: content guru as well as an Entrepreneur . Writers who only focus on writing often go hungry by ignoring the business side of content creation. Expertise makes your clients happy. Being a businessperson gets you paid well and gives you financial stability. Here's how to get recurring work. 1. Keep networking. Blockchain editor experts, particularly freelancers, should spend 30% of their time on marketing. That means reaching out to prospects at conferences, networking events, social media, and anywhere else you can find decision makers. Have business cards. Moreover, editors who are employees shouldn't assume they've got job security. The blockchain marketplace is hyper-dynamic , and layoffs (during a bear market) and turnover are common. 2. Diversify your reve

Top Blockchain Journalists Do These 3 Things

                                                   TopBlockchain Journalists More journalists, bloggers, and social media pros are covering the blockchain industry which is expected to reach $60 billion by 2020. There are best practices that can be applied towards news coverage of cryptocurrencies and distributed ledger technology (DLT). Top Blockchain Journalists do these 3 things : 1. Cover what matters most. That includes interviewing leading experts, technologists, and influencers. First, you'll need to cultivate relationships with thought leaders who are at forefront of blockchain innovations. Sources can include software developers, technologists, entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and investors—and anyone else who can share unique insights. It's also important to network with regulators, customers, community members, and top users. Build a portfolio of outstanding content and influencers will be open to giving you their time. Blockchain