
Showing posts from January, 2019

Top Blockchain Journalists Do These 3 Things

                                                   TopBlockchain Journalists More journalists, bloggers, and social media pros are covering the blockchain industry which is expected to reach $60 billion by 2020. There are best practices that can be applied towards news coverage of cryptocurrencies and distributed ledger technology (DLT). Top Blockchain Journalists do these 3 things : 1. Cover what matters most. That includes interviewing leading experts, technologists, and influencers. First, you'll need to cultivate relationships with thought leaders who are at forefront of blockchain innovations. Sources can include software developers, technologists, entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and investors—and anyone else who can share unique insights. It's also important to network with regulators, customers, community members, and top users. Build a portfolio of outstanding content and influencers will be open to giving you their time. Blockchain